Ava Grace Krebs Fundraiser


Beautiful Ava Grace Krebs was born May 2, 2019 at 23 weeks gestation. Weighing in at 1.03 pounds and just over 10 inches long, Ava fit in the palm of her doctor’s hand. She 

Ava has had many ups and downs, but continues to amaze and inspire all who love her every day. Her incredible parents Kristi and Miles, and three older siblings, Liam (5), Milo (3), and Haddie (almost 2) have had a stressful summer, but are looking forward to Ava finally joining them at home. She will be graduating from the Sanford NICU in the coming months. 

Believe all things are possible! Ava Grace truly is a miracle, a fighter, a rock star, and at times - even a bit of a little diva. 

To make an online gift, go to www.lendahandup.org and select GIVE to the GRACE KREBS CAMPAIGN 

For the PDF version of this flyer click here: Area Benefits Folder 2019.
