North Dakota and Minnesota National Guard members being deployed more frequently

Photo by WDAY Mid Day News Anchor Tom Tucker
Photo by WDAY Mid Day News Anchor Tom Tucker

(Fargo, ND) -- Those who serve in the National Guard in North Dakota and Minnesota are being deployed more frequently at home and abroad.  

"The burden over the past four or five years on our soldiers, and not only our soldiers but our families and their employers is significantly increasing with the increased state active duty missions, and then the missions overseas. We're asking a lot more of our soldiers in the past four to five years locally than we have in quite some time," said Major Zachery Hendrickson, Executive Officer, Minnesota Army National Guard. 

Hendrickson was among the keynote speakers during this morning's Eggs and Issues event in Moorhead hosted by the Fargo Moorhead West Fargo Chamber of Commerce. 

The focus for the event was "Defending the Homeland". 

Hendrickson said recent area guard deployments include winter storm response, flood relief efforts, and responding to civil unrest in Minneapolis.